Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Borrowed Time - Fear : Yourself

Fear: Yourself

3 Years ago

“My son…It is with deep sorrow that I leave this message…
Please understand that none of this is what I had intended…
Not for you…”-Letter

Farrell walks alone down an alleyway.
He is pushed from behind.
He turns around to find two men threatening him
He lowers his brow

“There ain’t nothing for you here, freak”-Man 2

Farrell pushes one of the two men back.

“What the hell is your problem?”-Farrell

“I wish I could say that my choices had been made for me…
But the choice was mine alone. I must leave you here…and for that I am truly sorry.” –Letter

Farrell allows himself to be hit by one of the men falling backwards into a wall

“I know sometimes it seem like it, but, the people of this town…are not evil people…Not all of them.
There is something about you...that will stop them from accepting you…”-Letter

Farrell stands in the rainy alleyway arguing with the two men.

“You think you belong here? You think anybody wants you and yours around?”-Man

“I was born here! This is my town too! This is my home!”-Farrell

“Well maybe you should find a new freak!”-Man 2

“And although it is with no fault of your own...
They will hate you because they fear you…never knowing why.
And sometimes…you may even fear yourself, my son…”-Letter

One of the men pulls a gun, and suddenly a glowing golden clock face appears hovering in front of Farrell’s chest with hands spinning at a blur as his eyes glow the same color, and a look of terror on his face.
 The gunman is immediately elbowed across the forehead sending him whirling backwards, as the second man looks on in fear as Farrell bares his teeth with a roar. The second man falls to the ground terrified and crawling backwards. As Farrell sees this his face changes to terror once again as he looks at his left hand. 

“I knew you were a freak…I just knew it...”-Man 2

Farrell looks at his hand with a worried look.
Fade out
[Present day.] 
Farrell walks into his house


Farrell finds his mother on the floor and his house in shambles as terror fills his heart.

He bursts into the hospital holding his mother yelling for help.
The doctors take her on a stretcher.
We see him from the back with his head down watching her wheeled away.
He sits with his back to a rain soaked window with a worried yet angered look on his face.
He lowers his head to think.

“I told you to stay away from my daughter, boy. Told you, you weren’t right for her.”-Girl’s father.

He looks up enraged

“Did you do this?!...”-Farrell

Farrell grabs the man and slams the him against the glass behind him cracking it

“Did you send people after my mother?!”-Farrell

Farrell lifts him off the ground by his shirt

“They were looking for you! I’ve got to protect my kin!
You know that! You’d do the same!”-Girl’s father.

“Protect her from who?! Me?! I’m in love with her! I’m no threat to her!
And if you gave a damn about her wishes you’d see that she’s of a similar mind. But you don’t care about that do you?”-Farrell

Farrell drops him on the bench he himself was on.
Farrell starts to walk away

“No…I don’t care…Not one bit. You’ll never be like us. You can dress a wolf in the finest sheepskin but that don’t change a damn thing. You’re a jobless bad boy from a broken home. You’re nobody.”-Girl’s father.
Farrell stops
“You know what? You’re right…I’ll never be one of you. But with all due dwindling respect, sir? That’s suits me just fine”-Farrell

Farrell continues to walk away
An emergency siren bellows from outside the hospital


Farrell runs outside to see his city on fire.
A window with TV’s beside him all showing the monster.

“But it is what makes you different that they fear. They believe power itself to be inherently evil…
and so they paint you the same. But one day you will prove them wrong.
One day they will need you as they needed me.
Because the devil always comes…He merely changes faces.”-Letter

Farrell stands outside and looks down at his chest where he had seen the glowing clock face before. He faces the city, and finds a way to summon it again.

Farrell starts to run toward the destruction at an immense speed

“With all my love…”-Letter

To be continued

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