Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Borrowed Time (short story and soon to be short film)

"Borrowed Time"
a short story by Nathan McConnell

    On a now calm and quiet street he kneels behind a parked car clutching his chest with his left hand, trying to catch his breath and steady his heartbeat. A deep voice yells out "Where are you!?" as a small 2 door car hits the ground just a few feet behind the car he is kneeling by. Unfazed he closes his eyes and starts breathing slowly and deeply…"not yet…come on" he thinks, as he reaches inside himself to find the strength to continue the fight.

     As he hears his attacker drawing near he feels the rain come down again, He knows with the sound the water brings to his skin he will certainly be found. Knowing that he is no longer hidden forces the kneeling hero to act. Before his enemy realizes his presence he stands from behind the car and with a swift motion he turns toward his enemy, and flips the car on its side in the air. He then leaps up and toward the car and kicks it as hard as he can toward the unstoppable adversary.
The car hits with great force as the assailant looks up from his bleeding hand. A lightning bolt crawls across the sky like a mother looking for a child, only to be followed by the deep roar of a father's call. As the thunder hits the car is returned to our hero with the same speed that it left. He thinks to himself "No time…" as a look of fear is replaced by anger. He leaps toward the car and rips through the middle trying to gain the element of surprise only to find his enemy came with the now demolished vehicle.

     With the sound and rumble of a full force thunder strike they meet causing a bubble of energy, dust, and sound. Moments later the bubble shatters like a bomb in a glass casing causing and even louder explosion and throwing both adversaries into buildings across from each other. The hero's "tomb" collapses on him, as the monstrous foe stands from his. "Not yet…Just a little more…" he thinks.

 A giant flash across the street from the enemy reminds him that he has not yet won. The building pieces now no more than dust in the rain, pour onto the enemy as a bleeding hero stands with pants ripped and shirt vaporized. He stands across his enemy with as much power as his torn body could hold, his eyes glowing with rage, when across the radio he hears his name and then the words he was waiting to hear…"Were safe! We made it! Get out of there! Go!" His enemy looks up at him from the radio, and with a ghostly look of shock on his face he speaks…"you…you're insane…you knew all along and you still…" 

 Before he could finish, the hero drew even more strength in and appeared in front of his enemy with one final blow destroying the chest and heart of the once proud monster. As he falls to the ground, our hero steps back several steps…he looks at the radio and smiles…he looks at his battered left palm to feel the rain one last time..."ok…" he says…."Now…" He then collapses to the ground as every ounce of energy leaves his lifeless body.

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